Our Story...
We are a family-owned business, run by myself and my husband. Our story begins with a simple rule, "....for it is in giving that we truly receive..."
In early 2013, we raised some funds for orphaned kids, by selling honey bought from a local farm in Pa, to our friends. Our honey not only sold like hot cakes, but people kept coming back for more. This sowed the seed of this company that we have today. The drive to help others through the sale of honey gave this business, the name 'Honey, Be Kind!'
Our passion for healthy food and curiosity for different types of cuisines, spilled over into the idea of this business. We searched for farms, near and far (within the country) that carried different varieties of honey. Once we shared these varieties with our friends, the word got around and people started approaching us and asking for what's "new and exotic"?
This is where the idea of creating a business that would generate charity on a continuous basis, started taking shape. Later we turned this idea into a business, which we hope will be our legacy even long after we are gone.
We thank you for taking the time to visit this site. We plan to add more products to our business so come back soon, you never know when something new and exciting might be buzzing around here.