The beautiful forms of honey..

Most of us know honey as a sweet, golden liquid in those cute little bear-bottles on a supermarket shelf. However, honey can be found in a variety of forms, each one unique in its own way. The reason for posting this blog is to better equip you with the facts, so the next time you hold a jar of honey and you look at it and wonder, "hmm... what just happened in this bottle?", you think back to this article and find an answer.


Comb honey is honey in its original form; just the way bees make it in their hive, in their honeycomb.  The beeswax comb is not just edible, but contains many healthier elements! This is the most expensive form of honey.


Cut comb honey is liquid honey that has added chunks of the honey comb in the jar. This is also known as a liquid-cut comb combination or chunk-honey.


Free of visible crystals, liquid honey is extracted from the honey comb by centrifugal force, gravity or straining. Because liquid honey mixes easily into a variety of foods, it’s especially convenient for cooking and baking. Most of the honey produced in the United States is sold in the liquid form.


ALL honey crystallizes at some point and at a particular temperature. Naturally crystallized honey is honey in which part of the glucose content has spontaneously crystallized.  It is safe to eat. The crystallization of honey is not a litmus-test for it purity.


This is my personal favorite. No, there is NO cream added to it. The name 'creamed honey' is derived from the process of that renders crystallized honey in this form. Crystallized honey is whipped to produce this creamy or whipped consistency which is preferred by many over its liquid form especially at breakfast time.

Comment on this post (21 comments)

  • Muhammad Ilyas says...

    I have tried various types of honey sold by honeybe kind….they all taste really good and it is authentic .

    May 23, 2015

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